Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rain no more!!

In my little corner of the world it has not ceased to rain for the past 2 weeks. Well, perhaps it has stopped momentarily in order to gather up steam for the next down pour but more often than not, if I look out the window I have met with grey skies, green green grass and puddles.  But today, gloriously, blue skies broke through the clouds and we have sunshine.  So here's a few handmade lovelies I picked to celebrate...

Lemonade Earrings by Earlybird Creations (that's me!)


Unknown said...

Lovin' all the sunshiny things :) said...

Great sunny items! Glad you had a bit of a break from the rain.

TeenyBunny said...

Glad you had a little break from all the rain. I'll gladly trade you my never ending sunshine for your rain. ;-)

Thanks for posting my bright little dress!